Sunday, May 1, 2011

#121 SCRE4M

Sara's Thoughts--- Sorry it's taken us so long to post our thoughts about this movie we've been really busy. Ya know, cause we have lives. Anyway, This was the very first horror movie that either of us has ever seen in the theater so that was an experience. It's kind of funny how many people there are that scream just because they heard someone else do it. This movie was a LOT better than I thought it would be. When I first saw the trailer I was like, "Whaaaat? How the hell is that going to happen? It's probably gonna suck b/c all sequels nowadays suck." However, it didn't suck at all. They kept to the same story line and atmosphere that they had in the first three and that was important. They an hilarious first 10 minute opening sequence and a huge twist that neither one of us saw coming until the end! I highly recommend seeing this movie......that is if you've seen the first three. :)
Stay Shiny,

Ben's Thoughts---- This movie was absolutely amazing in eve ry way!!! No other way to describe it! There were so many twists and turns to the plot ... Definately worth the ten year wait.
Better In Red,

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

#120.5 Signs

Because I have already seen this movie it isn't on the list, but I decided to that since Ben never had seen it prior to today that he should be able to post his thoughts about it and I will post it on the list as #120.5.

Ben's Thoughts -- So, no pressure then ... ugh. Well, I guess the first thing I should say is that this movie was already pretty spoiled for me, but that didn't make it any less amazing. This is a really suspenseful movie, and seemed really well thought out. The one thing I didn't like was the ending ... made it seem kinda ... fake. Didn't really wrap anything up. Still a good watch though.
Better in Red,

Saturday, March 19, 2011

#120 Paranormal Activity 2

Sara's Thoughts--Apparently this movie was a prequel to "Paranormal Activity" About Kate's sister's family, Cristy, David, Ali, and Hunter. Plus dog, Abby.
The movie followed the similar pattern of it's predecessor/follower where most of the movie is just dull nothing happening, but the slightest movement in the upper right hand corner of the television. Until the very end when things start to pick up the pace. Let me tell you this time, ol' giesty got vicious! Overall, I thought they did an excellent job keeping everything straight forward with the timeline and everything. I do recommend this movie to those who have already seen the first one, however since it technically comes before that one you can see them in either order. ENJOY!!
Stay Shiny, Sara

Ben's Thoughts-- First I would like to say that this movie is only scary if you give it a chance and if you have seen the first movie. This movie gave a whole lot of clarification from the first one. I really liked that it still ended leaving some mysteries behind.
Better in Red,

Friday, March 18, 2011

#119 Alien Resurrection

Sara's Thoughts--First of all,
This was probably one of the
most disturbing and disgusting
movies I've ever seen....and
I've seen 118 movies that
would be considered those by
many different people!
I won't go into to too much detail
so as not to give anything away,
but I will say this if your someone
who get squeemish about a little
that's it for now.
Stay Shiny,

Ben's Thoughts -- AUUGGGHHhhhHHHHHHGGGHHHhhhhH!!!!! .... Blech ...... Oh my gosh, that was the single most disturbing movie in the entire world ... However, even though it was completely disgusting ... in every way ... it still had a reasonably good plotline if you pay attention ... the ending was by far the most disturbing ... any of you with weak constitutions should avoid watching this movie AT ALL COSTS!!! ... Everyone else, knock yourselves out.
Better in Red,

Friday, March 11, 2011

#118 Alien 3

Sara's Thoughts--I thought this movie was about as good, if not better than the second movie and much better than the first. The first one was kind of dull, with a little bit of action. The second was much better where we got to find out a little more about the aliens and why "The Company" wanted to keep them. What I don't get is why the little girl from the second film had to end up dieing after all that stuff they went through to save her? Also why can't Sigourey Weaver's character ever have hair longer than her shoulders? And why do they have to kill off all the characters you like? I guess the last one is to make it more realistic, but w/e.
Stay Shiny,

Ben's Thoughts -- Well ... what can I say about this movie. Sara and my Mom watched the second one without me, so I probably missed a whole lot. Like, I still have no Idea what the beginning was all about. Anyways, I thought this movie was pretty good. It had the right amount of suspense and violence, but I didn't learn anything about the Xenomorphs (probably because it was all in the second movie), but it was still pretty interesting.
Better in Red,

P.S. Ben, I am sorry that Mom & I watched the second one without you, but it was Halloween and you went somewhere after you said we were gonna watch it so this is really on you. ;)
Love you, Bro!
Stay Shiny,

Friday, March 4, 2011

#117 Pet Sematary

Sara's Thoughts-- I found this movie to be an creepy and disturbing movie, right up until they killed the kid. After that I hated it especially when the kid started talking to his dad in that creepy little kid voice *chills* anyway, the movie had an interesting plot with a stupid ending, but what I don't seem to get is why Louis doesn't listen to poxcow the twelve thousand times he tells him not to do something. Even before anyone died he told him "not to go beyond the barrier" and what does he do...exactly. I can't even believe there is a sequel to this movie, mostly cause everyone died. Wait, the little girl was still in Chicago so I guess it would be about her grown up and going back to this creepy town only to bury half her family in the Indian burial ground and not listen to her dead family telling her not to bury her new dead family down there....*cough* sorry I-uh-anyway it was an interesting movie and I recommend you see it for yourselves.
Thanks & Stay Shiny

Ben's thoughts -- This movie was remarkably similar to the book, and even though I read the book already, it was still really creepy ... like, it's one thing to read a book and imagine it for yourself, and an entirely different thing to see how another person imagines it and turns it into a movie. While the plot was very similar, they explain a whole lot more in the book, so if you're gonna watch this movie, I strongly suggest you read the book first. I have absolutely no idea how in the world they are making a sequel. All in all ... pretty good movie, as long as you've read the book.
Better in Red,

Thursday, March 3, 2011

#116 The Descent: Part 2

Sara's Thoughts--This movie seemed to be nearly identical to the first one, but with different people with different motives and a shocking twist at the end. It's set immediately after the first movie ends, hence the "part" in the title. Sarah can't remember anything about what happened in the caves and ends up having to go back down with a rescue team and sheriff idiot plus rookie. Sheriff Idiot is the name I have given to the chief of police that has Sarah return to the scene of her incredible trauma and then fires a gun into an enclosed area made of unstable rock. *Smart* anyway I'm not going to give away everything about this movie because overall it was good and the twist at the end is worth waiting through all the stupidity that is the chief of police in this movie.
Thanks & Stay Shiny!

Ben's Thoughts -- Let's see ... where to start. This movie started off where the other movie left off. I thought it had a pretty good transition from the first into this one. I wouldn't say the movies were identical, but they did have their similarities. I, for one, liked this movie. It had a whole different feel from the first one. It was less mysterious and more in your face. The ending was the worst part ... is there a third one?
Better in Red,